مليون بلوج إتكلم علي عملية إعدامة سواءا بالتعاطف معة و تصويرة في شكل بطل شعبي أو بشتيمتة و شتيمة أيامة السودة
إحساسي من ناحية عملية إعدام صدام مختلفة انا لم أتعاطف أبدا معة خلال محاكمتة و ماكنتش شايفة إنة أتظلم و لو حتي إتظلم فدة شوية من أفضالة اللي مغرقة عراقيين و إيرانيين و كوايتة و مصريين كتير
لكن لما شفت فيلم الإعدام (بصراحة علشان أصدق أنة فعلا مات ) معرفش لية لقتني بدمع يمكن لأن صدام كان مرحلة كبيرة قوي في تاريخنا العربي، يمكن علشان كنت بتابع أخبار حروبة و بلاوية من و انا طفلة فأرتبط إسمة لفترة طويلة في ذهني بمراحل نضجي السياسي.
حقيقي مش عارفة بس كل اللي أنا عرفاة إني و مع إن الراجل دة ظلم ناس كتير، بس أنا مقدرتش غير إني أحزن علي أنتهاء مرحلة طويلة و كبيرة من تاريخنا حتي لو كانت مش مشرفة ، و علي أنتهاء مرحلة من تاريخي أنا الشخصي.
الوداع صدام
عام سعيد كله بهجه ومرح واشكرك على مداخلاتك وعلى قلمك الجميل
تعليق بسيط على موضوعك عن اعدام صدام ان سمحتيلى
اعتقد ان صدام كان محظوظ جدا بالمقارنه لضحاياه وان دموعك على مشهد اعدامه لها علاقة مباشرة بشيئ واحد... وهو ان داخلك انسانة جميلة
بالظبط رغم اختلافى فى معظم اللى عمله صدام بس حسيت نفس احساسك
I do believe in freedom and free speech but in the same time I find it revolting that someone could shed even a single tear for Saddam.
He was a blood thirsty dictator. Probably he ranks in the top 10 list of worst dictators with Hitler, Stalin and others. He killed hundred of thousands of his own people. He destroyed 2 countries on top of his own and the list goes on and on.
Your post reminded me of the story of the little girl in Austria. She was kidnapped at the age of 8 and she was found at age of 16. During her years of captivity, she endured all kind of sexual and physical abuse. The day she was found and was told that her captive committed suicide to avoid capture she shed some tears too and she was sad about it.
Sadly that is the situation of the Arab world.
I also felt the same...Saddam was a tyrant bloody president..tht is ok..but he wasnt the only one..Usa was helping him and supporting him in all his crimes so, how dare they now sent him 2 death!!!!! and at the same time their fucking stupid bush say sharon is a peaceful man and israel r defending itself..I hate these american double standards so, I refuse Saddam death and ll wait 4 the revenge tht um sure it ll come oneday from usa and israel
Dear micheal,
As usual we are, as Arab people, still stuck in the past and we refuse to move forward. Today the Iraqi people were given a chance to build a new country based on equality and democratic principles. There are those bloody lunatics that refuse to move forward and they are pulling the country into a bloody civil war.
Past US administration did help Saddam no one can deny that but you need to look past the old grudges and seize the opportunity now. Forget the past but not its lessons.
As for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I believe that the Palestinian must have their independent viable state along side Israel.
The Palestinians need to speak in one voice. If you preach hatred and destruction of the side don’t expect any one to come to your help. You need a pragmatic take on the Palestinian issue otherwise it is only repletion of old useless slogans.
At the end I can not understand your demand to revenge Saddam although you referred to him as “tyrant bloody president”?
لو ياخذون من حياته عبرة يتلخصون منها الاحكام النهائية المنتظرة وصلاحية ولاياتهم متى تنتهي وكيف كم كان هذا الرئيس المعدوم في صباح هذا العيد ربيبهم
والذي قدم الى كل المسلمين كاضحية وهيدية عيد للجميع كم قوي بهم ودعم شوكته بحكم تامرهم الخسيس على المنطقة برمتها
كم انصاع هالكا شعبه وبلاده تحت عباءتهم وبإيحاء من تشجيعهم ومده الدائم بغيه وتسلطه على الرقاب ظلما كم لعبوا به كقطعة الشطرنج ارتفعوا به كثيرا ثم رموه في الهاوية واكلوه هو والبلاد قطعة قطعة الى ان وصلوا و اكلوا راسه شر اكلة
نعم كل من يتعامل معهم له يوما اميركا ليست بحاجة الى الحكام الا بقدر ما يكونوا جسرا للوصول وليس بحاجة الى شعوبنا الا قرابين تضحية لمصلحة الهمينة الاسرائيلية ولمصلحة الفكر الصهيوني الذي يرى شعوب المنطقة كلها قرابين تعد لمصلحة معركة هجمردون الموعودة
فقط لو يقراون التلمود واخر ما يتوسع به الفكر الصهيوني وما يحضر له بانشاء العديد من الجمعيات السرية العالمة كلها وبوسائل مختلفة الى الوصول لمثل هذه الغاية والذي دخلها حكامنا ولم يعد باستطاعتهم التراجع عنهم كثيرت الضغوط الى درجة الاستبداد
فصار بعضهم بيع الاخ العربي اكثر شرفا فه واقل دفعا للثمن وهو لايدري الثمن الاخير الذي ينتظره وسيدفعهنعم لو يقرا الجميع هذا الفكر ويعروفون اميركا و الى اين هي ماضية مع اسرائيل وما هي اخر متسعات تخطيطاتها الهيمنية لو يقراوون ما ذا يدبرون ليس للمنطقة فحسب بل للعالم اجمع
وكيف نحن في بركب اعمالهم نسير حسب مخطاط ترضي وتخدم غاياتهم فهم يسعون ويرسمون الى ما بعد عشرين سنة واربعين سنة بمخططات مدروسة احيانا يرمون فيه الجزر الى الشعوب واحيانا يحملون عصا التانيب حسب ما تقتضيه الخطة ريثما ينتهون من مسائل كثيرةوالكل في سير حسن يؤدي بانهاية الى المكان الذي رسموهفقط لو يدرون حكامنا وشعوبنا ويتذكرون ان العمر قصير لا داعي للانسان ان يتجرد فيه من قيمه الانسانية اولا ولا الاسلامية او العربية او ما يحمي كرامته في هذا
العمر القصير
ليت الجميع يقفون عند مفترق ما حدث ا ليوم يحسبونها ببساطة وعقلانية
ويتذكرون من دفع هذا الرئيس الى الحرب الايرانية ؟؟؟؟؟
من دفعه الى الحرب الكويتية ثانيا؟؟؟؟
ليتهم يفكرون بشكل جدي وينطلقون بفكر اكثر حكمة بعيد عن منطق التعصب الاعمى المتهور الذ ي ياكل فيه الانسان من لحم اخيه ويطغى دون حسيب او رقيب
راح صدام نتيجة صداقتة لاامريكا وتنفيذ كل ما تتطلب منة وقد انتهى دورة فى المسرحية فكان ما كان هل نتعلم الدرس ام لا
اختيار يوم الاعدام الا ترون فية رسالة فى النهاية نقول الله يرحمة لايجوز علية سوى الرحمة
واتمنى الا ارى اخر فية يوم اخر مكانة وهذا ليس مستبعد فاصدقاء الامس اعداء اليوم
nakneef :
thanks so sweet of u,
but i donot know i am against the killing of any human soul even the worst once. and adding to that, the fact that we all as a generation knew sadam for all our life makes me sad that he is gone even if i hated him, may be cause we have gotten used to him.
ana 7ora i am starting to think that we are exactly the same person may be we were one person in another life, when i go to ur blog i find that most of the ideas u express are mine, or at least similar, are u sure we are not sisters or something
i like that fact that some one can look like me
michael :
u have stated a very interesting point of view the double standards may thats why i was sad to see sadam s execution cause the military men and women (too bad women can get so low) who tortured iraqi s in abou ghareb werenot sentenced to any crime court and g.w.bush as the head of the state should have been sued too as the leader of his army in iraq but no one raised a finger towards getting to sue G.W. Bush which i think is stupid to have such double standards what bush s leaders in iraq did was no different than what sadam s men did
le tuniseien libre
thanks for u r comment first i have troubles getting to u r blogspot is there a problem with it i do love to see u r posts
second i think that what US government is doing now in iraq is any thing but rebuilding iraq or even helping doing so
the fact is terrorism has multiplied now than at sadams age
now there is a religious conflict in iraq that never took place at least by the way we see now
when US entered baghdad in 2003 i honestly wished it could help iraq rebuild itself after the tyrant sadam had killed all its resources but then i overlooked something important the fact that US is in iraq just for the petroleum of iraq not to help spread the democracy as i thought (so naiive of me)
again i wish that all those conflicts are resolved but that wouldnot happen under the new colonization of US army there
thanks again for ur comment
i donot think being friends with any major force such as US is bad
the thing is sadam has compromised his own country s safety to please the united states which is not acceptable as a ruler ur country s intersts comes first and then anything else
but i agree with u that this is a lesson for all rules to learn
le tuniseien libre:
concerning the chance of the Iraqi people to build a new democractic Iraq as u said, I think it is a big illussion caz since the first day usa troops entered baghdad, we can only find chaos and complete anarchy..Believe me tht usa only cares 4 its intersts which is iraqi oil and dividing the iraqis 2 Sunnis and Sheas and kurds 2 weaken Iraq at the end and then start 2 do the same wz syria , iran 2 have a new middle east at the end..under Saddam regime, iraqis were suffering but now they r suffering more caz under saddam, there were no ethnic conflicts like now caz all were afraid from his tyrant power..
concerning the palestinian issue, i believe tht if the palestinians left their differences and internal conflicts, they ll build a strong state caz they r capabale 2 do so..
concerning my demand 2 revenge saddam, i insist on it caz i hate tht blind justice which sees only some crimes and deny others..didnt bush and his brutal army commit the same brutal acts wz iraqis in Abu-gharib and the same happened wz the palestinians israeli prisons in addition 2 the egyptian captured soldiers who were tortured and buried alive by the piggy sharon and his men..all tht frustrate me towards tht american blind justice so , it isnt 4 the sake of saddam himself
N.b:i tried 2 c ur blog but everytime, it doesnt work wz me..how can I c it plz..thx 4 ur comment
First, thank you for asking about my blog. It is being remodeled and furnished :) and it will open soon.
Second, I should mention (to correct some assumptions) that I am not acting as a defender for the US and its policies. I am only being rational.
Third, that said let get to core subject. Rebuilding Iraq is not only up to the US. It is the duty of every Iraqi.
I think the main the problem is that Iraq, or all Arab countries for that matter, lived under fear and oppression for so long we got used to it. A great portion of the population can’t even gasp what it means to be free. We don't know how to act free. We got used to someone else making decisions for us. Some of them think it is anarchy and a license to kill each others.
It is so naïf to blame every thing on the Americans. Wars have many bad outcomes but in the same time there are opportunities. The Second World War II destroyed much of Europe but gave the opportunity to half of the continent to live free under democratic rules. You could say many things about the Iraq war; that is was war for oil, for political gains, etc… but as a side effect or a by-product (if we want to call that way), the Iraqi got their chance for a new start.
It irritates me that no one is blaming those so called “insurgents” (criminal killers) and the Shia killers for the mess is Iraq. Blame it all on USA. US policies are not perfect but trying to blame everything happening to us on others; that is an escape from reality
Some people come up with the unbelievable statement that “things used to be much better under Saddam”. It makes me sad to think that people don’t care about other people being killed as long it is not them or it is happening under darkness. Go tell that to the hundreds of thousands of people killed by Saddam and his agents in secret and in public. The only difference between the situation now and Saddam’s era is that the killing to spread to everyone.
Misconducts happen in every society after all we are only humans. The difference is that people are held accountable for their acts (regardless of their ethnic background, religion or sex) in democratic countries. The irony, you should remember if it wasn’t for Americans (the same people you blame) no one would have ever known about Abu-ghrib and the rest.
Last, I say it again and I’ll keep saying it, we need to move on, be practical and seize the opportunity before it is too late. Please to try to set aside emotions and think based on facts on the ground.
Sorry about the length of this reply but the subject is of great importance.
Le Tunisien Libre :
I got ur point and I hope tht we can all enjoy and live in true democratic Arab states without wars and without usa interference
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