

Thursday, March 31, 2011

مقال أعجبني عن الحركات النسوية في السعودية



zabinzo said...

مقال جميل بس عندي سؤال. ليه اللجان الشعبية كانت كلها رجالة؟ حتقولي لي عشان الوقوف في الشارع بالليل كان خطر لكن مش التظاهر في ميدان التحرير كان خطر برضه؟

maf2ou3a said...

ofcourse it was dangerous to be in Tahrir sq. for any one men or women, but staying in the public committes was men exclusive show cause men will not accept that thier women stay late in the streets and being seen and watched by other men, you know my women are my possession mentality and no one should see or talk to them, along with women cannot even cook a decent meal how on earth are they going to defend their neighbourhood mentaltiy so add this two factors up and add to them too women negativity and you will get the picture